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the statement by the young people

ヤンゴンにて軍に対する抗議活動、及びその撮影を行っていたミャンマー人の若者4人が逮捕されました。現在、ミャンマー軍による尋問を受けている最中であり、身体的・精神的な拷問を伴うものであることが危惧されています。 抗議活動を主催していたUSUAFによる声明が発表されました。


Four young protesters and filmmakers who participated in and filming the demonstration against the military junta in Yangon have been arrested.

They are currently being interrogated by the Myanmar military, which allegedly may involve physical and mental torture.

A statement was released by the University Students' Unions Alumni Force (USUAF), which was the organizer of the protest.


大学卒業生連合組合 (USUAF)によるプレスリリース












大学卒業生連合組合 (USUAF)

Press Release by University Students' Unions Alumni Force (USUAF)

Date: September 21, 2024

Following recent anti-junta activities in Yangon, four comrades from the University Students' Unions Alumni Force (USUAF) and allied organizations have lost contact with their families since September 19, 2024, during the Military's counter-searches and arrests.

After the last contact on the evening of September 19, we confirm that the following four comrades have been unjustly arrested by the terrorist military:

(1) Ko Zaw Lin Htut (aka) Phoe Thar, co-founder of the USUAF and Freelance Photo Journalist,

(2) Ko Aung Min Khine (aka) Mel Gyi, a leader of the Youth Strike Committee (YSC),

(3) Ma Mya Myint Zu, a member of the Youth Strike Committee (YSC), and

(4) Ma Hnin Ei Khine, a former political prisoner.

These four comrades are leaders involved in public anti-junta movements in Yangon. After their unjust arrest, they are being interrogated with inhumane torture by the military. Their lives and health conditions are in an extremely concerning state under the military's custody.

These four comrades are recorded as revolutionary soldiers who bravely confronted the military dictatorship through public demonstration for human rights, human dignity, and democracy, including freedom of expression, which has become scarce in Myanmar.

Although our comrades have been arrested, we, the University Students' Unions Alumni Force, will not retreat in fear. Instead, we will continue to strive relentlessly with even greater determination and effort on behalf of these comrades for the total destruction of the military dictatorship system and the establishment of a federal democratic society.

With revolutionary commitment,

University Students' Unions Alumni Force (USUAF)





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